Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Emergency Medical Services

In 1999, the Swarthmore Fire Department voted to expand its services to the Borough of Swarthmore to include emergency medical services. On April 1, 1999, Ambulance 14-7, a 1998 Ford box-compartment ambulance went into service, providing first-due emergency medical response to the towns of Swarthmore, Morton, and Rutledge. On April 4, 1999, it ran its first call. The ambulance now averages about 800 calls per year. Routine calls include medical emergencies, automobile accidents, and responses to fire calls.

On calls, between two and four people will respond in the ambulance. The minimum crew is an emergency vehicle driver and an emergency medical technician crew chief. In addition, two other crew members – either attendants, first responders, or EMTs – may ride in back of the ambulance. The ambulance is kept in service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by local residents and Swarthmore College students who volunteer, as well as paid staff when volunteers are not available.

Also through an arrangement between the Association and Taylor hospital, Medic 102 – a ALS Medic Unit, is stationed in at the the firehouse in order to provide more rapid ALS Emergency Medical Services to Swarthmore and the surrounding communities should they be needed.

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